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Pokémon TCG: Shiny Treasure EX - Revavroom Holo Rare
Language: Japanese
Character: Revavroom
Creature/Monster Type: Ghost; Steel
Attribute: Metal
Hit Points (HP): 131
Attack/Power: Knock Away (90+)
Defense/Toughness: Weak: Rx2 / Resist: G-30 / Retreat: 2
Card No: 131/190
Rarity: Holo Rare
Condition: Near Mint or Better
Grade: Ungraded
(Card provided in semi-rigid sleeve for transport)
Only 3 left in stock
Refunds are only available for cards that were damaged in the mailing system or during shipment. However, visible proof of damage must be provided to hokiepokieshop@gmail.com in order to receive a full refund on your purchase.
Artwork centering varies on all cards for sale, if you choose to purchase one and send the card off for grading. The best centered cards will be first-come, first-serve to those who purchase.